Thursday, 3 January 2013

Give a girl the right tools and she can conquer the World!

Hey Chickies!

It's all well and good chatting about what make up I love and looks that I love but you ain't going to get anywhere without the right tools. This year has honestly been all about the Real Technique Brushes by Samantha Chapman one of the Pixiwoo sisters, I have no doubt that you have seen or heard about Pixiwoo but just in case you haven't (for that rare chance that you might not) they are a YouTube Beauty phenomenon! If you haven't already go, hurry, check them out here!

Anyways completely gone off the subject of this post, so lets get back to it. Real Techniques brushes. These brushes can compete with the best in my opinion, actually I might go as far as saying they are the best, and a fraction of the price compared to the well loved MAC brushes. Made from all synthetic hairs means they don't shed and dry quickly, good for me as I get very lazy and impatient when washing my brushes! 
They have a range of sets and individual brushes, I must confess I have almost all of the brushes in the collection. They have such an innovative design, to make the skin look pixel perfect as the Real Techniques facebook says. 
The collection is made up of three different sections (colour co-oiridnated) purple - eyes, orange - base and pink - finish, with three brush sets, the core collection for face applications, eye essentials set and the travel essentials and ten individual brushes.

I honestly use every single brush, I watch the Pixiwoo videos and they use the brushes for all different types of application, not just what the brushes are originally meant for, they are that versatile. If you are just starting out, or a professional you will I guarantee find a brush that you will love. My favourite brush is probably the Expert Face Brush (£9.99), it is perfect for buffing foundation or applying contour or even highlighter. 
The Brushes range from £21.99 for the sets which include 3 - 5 brushes depending on the set to £6.99 for the lowest price individual brush. I can't recommend these highly enough, definitely worth a bit of research and all the hype around them as well.

Have you tried or going to try any Real Techniques Brushes? 

Until Next Time,

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