A bit of an unusual, some may say racy title, but no you haven't suddenly been transferred over to an online copy of Fifty Shades of Grey; I have chosen his title for this blog post because it simply inspired me
- How you might say?
Well over the past couple of weeks I have been on this health/beauty/positive thinking kick, all triggered by this quote.
- How you might say?
Well over the past couple of weeks I have been on this health/beauty/positive thinking kick, all triggered by this quote.
I am fed up of walking to the station in a rush or not being about to find my leggings because my room is so disorganised or looking at others and think wow your lovely looking I wish I looked like that, well not anymore I am going to try and a feel as good as that quote. So with this new philosophy in place I set out, as always the beauty comes from within..
I have been trying my hardest to eat as clean as possible, to cleanse my body of all toxins i.e. Havana Club Rub and Cokes, or Terry's chocolate oranges. I bought lots of healthy options for me to snack on like granary pittas with low fat dairy lee triangles or dark chocolate edamene beans but I still eat the same dinners of a night time unless it is a take away of course then I or the boy will russle up something like greek chicken pasta or Chicken Stir Fry whilst the rest of my clan tuck into a take away - I am slowly beginning to come to terms with it..
I followed my healthy pattern by making sure that my bare face looked as good as it does even when I plough on the make up. It only made sense to me to follow with skin care because nothing makes me feel more confident than wearing no make up and still feeling gorgeous. I have always been a fan of Clarins skincare but being the old lazy me I was never faithful to my skin care routine and let it slip, this is now a thing of the past. I love going home giving my face a good old scrub with my Clarins Gentle foaming cleanser with Cottenseed £18 followed by Clarins Cleansing milk for oily/combination skin £18 which I rub of with Clarins Toning lotion with Iris £18 and then I finish it with Lancomes Hydragel Moisturizer £38 and this new routine although it has a hefty price tag it has done my skin the world of good, my skin although is still not perfect it comes pretty close to it if I do say so myself, well its the best it has ever been anyways. I highly recommend the Lancome HydraGel moisturiser, it gives an instant fresh clean feeling and I wake with my skin feeling like a babies bottom, it makes me feel a million dollars!
Next on the list was my nails, hair and feet. Along with getting my fortnightly Shellac French Manicure (featured in my current faves post) and monthly spa pedicure at my faveourite salon - Polished to Perfection, I decided to change up my hair style/colour. I have had the same hair colour ever since I was born pretty much, so I decided to bite the bullet and change the colour, I got very subtle light brown/caramel highlights. I decided to try a new hairdresser ever since my hair dresser left to become Tinkerbell on the Disney cruise line I haven't found one I liked, however I am pleased to say that I have found my new hair dresser. I like my new hair dresser so much I have even made future appointments for July (I never do that), I come away loving my hair and actually noticing a difference in my hair. New hair new Jess!
Next on the list was my nails, hair and feet. Along with getting my fortnightly Shellac French Manicure (featured in my current faves post) and monthly spa pedicure at my faveourite salon - Polished to Perfection, I decided to change up my hair style/colour. I have had the same hair colour ever since I was born pretty much, so I decided to bite the bullet and change the colour, I got very subtle light brown/caramel highlights. I decided to try a new hairdresser ever since my hair dresser left to become Tinkerbell on the Disney cruise line I haven't found one I liked, however I am pleased to say that I have found my new hair dresser. I like my new hair dresser so much I have even made future appointments for July (I never do that), I come away loving my hair and actually noticing a difference in my hair. New hair new Jess!
I also went a fair few shopping sprees in the first week of getting paid, good for my new philosophy but bad for my bank balance, my poor cash card was almost burning by the time I'd finished with it. I bought myself some new clothes and some beaut new boots. I will do a separate post on these otherwise I'd be here forever!
I feel soo good about this new found philosophy I even organised my room and I get the earlier train to work, I think it might be the clean/healthy eating that makes for good way of life.
What product make you feel a million dollars?
So all in all I am feeling great and loving life! (CHEEESYYYY!)
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